Sales equals making someone’s life easier. Well, it should be. A sales executive desires to solve problems that someone can’t fix by themselves. Through building trust and rapport, we cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship.
Developing an outreach and sales process that worked took me time and help from many different sources. Here are five books I’ve found that greatly 1) improved my interpersonal skills, 2) elevated my sales process, and 3) built my confidence as an advocate for my agency.
Book Recommendations From A Sales Executive
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
“Personally I am very fond of strawberries and cream, but I have found that for some strange reason, fish prefer worms. So when I went fishing, I didn’t think about what I wanted. I thought about what they wanted. I didn’t bait the hook with strawberries and cream. Rather, I dangled a worm or grasshopper in front of the fish and said: “Wouldn’t you like to have that?”
Why not use the same common sense when fishing for people?” +
This is a great book that helps individuals who may not be as socially inclined to get out of their comfort zone, not only to get people to notice them, but to want to engage with them! Cover to cover, it’s packed with great advice on how to be influential in any scenario.
The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
“The one who gives the market the most and best information will always slaughter the one who just wants to sell products or services.” +
This book almost reads like a step-by-step guide on how to be a sales rockstar! If followed closely, this book provides the reader with a clear path to be the best. It approaches readers from different angles: one perspective is that of a business owner, and the other is that of the salesperson.
Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
“In every line of copy we write, we’re either serving the customer’s story or descending into confusion; we’re either making music or making noise.” +
This is a great book that encourages the reader to be the guide for his or her clients and prospects. What that means is, allow the client or prospect to figure out the answers on their own versus telling them what they need. This builds a much stronger relationship between the seller and the buyer.
The Sandler Rules for Sales Leaders by David Mattson
This is a good book for those in the salesperson role, but it is an even better book for those in the sales manager role. This book provides step” that will allow sales managers to build and lead extremely high-functioning teams.
Smart Calling: Eliminate the Fear and Failure from Cold Calling by Art Sobczak
“Value is not what you say it is; it is always what the buyer perceives it to be.” +
No one likes cold-calling. This book provides great advice that helps alleviate some of the stresses of making cold outreach phone calls. Advice that has been given to me many times that I will pass along, read EVERYTHING you possibly can in regards to the role you serve. There will never come a time when you’ve run out of material to read pertaining to what you do.
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