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Do You Use Freelancers?

By June 18, 2018November 13th, 2021No Comments

Do you use a highly-trained team of special operatives? +Richard Kaiser

This is what we hear any time we get the question–and it’s a regular one–while we are in a pitch.

The real question, “Do you use freelancers?” is a loaded one.

We often feel they expect us to say no, but we always respond with an emphatic yes immediately back to them. Do we use freelancers? YES. Loud and proud.

Our freelancer network is what gives us our superpowers.

Almost every agency does; however, many aren’t as proud—or loud–as we are.

Our model is built on the same passion we feel for the projects we work on. The team that works on your project should be just as passionate.

freelancers working from home wilderness agencyBecause of our structure, we can compile specialized teams who are passionate about the industries they work in.

Our employees function as project managers, managing and guiding teams within their own verticals and specialties. We have a video coordinator, event coordinator, art director, creative director, inbound strategist, and technical director, among other specialties, who delegate, direct and develop their teams of talented designers, copywriters, developers, and strategists.

53 million Americans – more than a third of the U.S. workforce – are working as freelancers contributing $715 billion to the national economy.

And they all have their own passions.

Traditional agencies just need to keep their employees fed. They will sell you on a website because the developer needs work. Or they will sell you social media because the millennials in the corner need another project to work on.

I’ve been on the other side. I’ve been the copywriter working in an agency in charge of ALL THE WORDS. Even the ones I didn’t agree with, and it showed.

One of my absolute favorite things about our model is our agility. Our clients get the benefit of a broad network of passionate people. When they work with us, they are not just 10% of one designer’s focus – whether that designer likes them or not – but instead, get access to their own unique team of passionate people with specific related experience and a vested interest in seeing them succeed.