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Review Your Website: Is It Making the Grade?

By October 4, 2021October 11th, 2021No Comments

The world is changing, and the world wide web is advancing along with it.

Online access to goods and services is entering what can be called a reformation period. The methods are changing and the criteria behind online success are rapidly being transformed. In order to keep up, your online presence has to become more than just a single-page website with random results. The standard has become about more than just a modern design.

Remember, every inch of your website is being measured and evaluated, for its creativity and ease of use.

With this added pressure, it’s hard not to lose yourself in keeping up with the competition. That’s where we come in. Your website is as much an extension of your brand as you are, and we understand that.

Your website’s design, messaging and functionality have gotta have a game plan. It should be exceedingly smart, wildly creative, and work just as hard as you to make a connection with your local area and surrounding communities.

If you haven’t asked yourself questions like: What is the web experience like for your ideal customer? Or are you communicating your value proposition as a brand?; now is the time to start.

7 Questions to Review Your Website

Ask yourself if your site is doing everything it can. We’ve made a simple guide to help you audit your website using these key questions:

  1. Does your website have a clear, eye-catching headline?
  2. Is your website mobile-friendly?
  3. Does your website clearly list the benefits your customer will get if they purchase your product or use your service?
  4. Does your website feature images or video?
  5. Is there a clear call-to-action on your site? What do you want visitors to do on your site once they get there?
  6. Is it easy to locate your business’ contact information on your website?
  7. Does your business have an online presence beyond your website, such as a free Google My Business listing or social media site?

The interweb is a huge space with a wildly changing landscape, but it’s possible to hone your site to weather the changes.

Follow our guide, Website Performance Review, to get your website up to standard.

Welcome to Wilderness Agency. We’re glad you’re here.

Strategy before design.”

That phrase is more than just a slogan. It’s an aggressive approach to landing your pages in front of the right eyes. Your website should do its best to make an entrance any time your services are queried or keyed in.

Strategy before design is a promise. A working promise that your web design will put your desires and needs as a business first.

A great web design means nothing if you’re not hitting the intended markets. What good is all the interest, if you can’t turn it into a working relationship with your customers you want?

Ready to start a project?