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What should be included in HR intranet?

By June 2, 2023January 11th, 2024No Comments
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Intranet Features Checklist

The most basic of intranets should include content that enables employees to carry out their everyday tasks and find essential company information.  There should be an employee directory where they can easily find contact information for every employee. That way, they can get the answers they need quickly.  It should include calendars, task management, event management, information on workplace safety, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion resources.  To ensure that employees use the tool, it should likely include the ability to request PTO or time tracking as a means to get them to return.

It should include internal news with updates from leadership and an area for employee recognition.

In an elevated intranet, I recommend the ability to survey employees to keep a pulse on morale or the ability to submit recommendations.  Often there is tribal knowledge among the employees that can have massive impacts on productivity and/or cost savings.

Best-in-class intranet portals encourage employee referrals and enhance company culture. 

I think it needs to include a job board. Then employees can see opportunities for upward mobility and/or aid in the search for recruits.  It should clearly provide them with the incentives that are awarded to those who do help bring in qualified candidates.

I believe that a well-planned intranet can assist with onboarding through a learning management system. Which is effectively the same online learning experience that is being used across the country in colleges and universities.  Upload a video to help educate new employees on best practices for success in their time with your company.

Perhaps you require that everyone take safety training annually and include a quiz at the end to ensure retention of the information.  One thing that every company should be implementing today is training the cyber-attacks. Which are far too commonly caused by an undereducated employee opening an email from a bad actor. Which can cause thousands or tens of millions of dollars in damages to the organization.

best company intranet portal
Best company Intranet Examples

Lastly, it shouldn’t look like it was built in 1995.  The concept above looks an awful lot like Facebook… which is intentional, because we believe it should look like modern tools that employees are familiar with.  Tools that they know.

Tools like this used to come with hefty price tags, but today, there are templates to help cut those costs.  One tool that we are utilizing for building intranets has the ability to generate an app with the same functionality that would have cost millions of dollars just a few years ago, but now can be implemented for a fraction of the price.

Taking your intranet portal to a native app opens up additional functionality. The ability for employees to receive real-time notifications to their phones OR submit photos and videos from job sites to share with others how to use a new tool or machine on the job site or factory floor.

It is the ability to continue to educate your team and build culture.