K&B Molded Products


Web Design, Email Campaign, Print Collateral, Advertisement

K&B Molded Products offers custom tooling, custom molds, and mold injections to help companies navigate plastic injection molding methods to streamline products and processes, save money and work smarter. To compete with the growing market, they needed to expand their new business avenues.

The main focus was to diversify their portfolio to attract new business avenues – through strategic consulting to identify opportunities to transition parts from metals to composite materials, which would create a potential cost savings through more affordable materials, streamlining processes.

One key area that was missing was a strong digital presence that drives sales. A complete website transformation was necessary. The original website wasn’t up for the challenge, and they were in need of something other than word of mouth to bring new clients in.

A Complete K&B Molded Products Website Redesign

Wilderness Agency collaboratively worked with K&B Molded Products to develop a new website experience with improved information architecture, modern design elements, and enhanced call-to-actions.

Different elements were included to increase engagement for both new and returning visitors. A bold, unique color palette combined with minor animations directed the eye to buttons, furthering a visitor’s site exploration. Industry-relevant blog posts brought in additional site traffic and gave returning visitors added value through downloadable resources.

Through our continued inbound work with K&B, Wilderness Agency is able to generate an average of 1,600 page views per month on the updated site, which is an increase of over 540% from the original site. This increase directly translates into new business opportunities for K&B Molded Products.

Inbound To Drive Traffic

Wilderness Agency also crafted a company overview presentation for K&B Molded Products using the updated branding and logo. This presentation also proved valuable as an internal sales tool, making their team’s job just a bit easier.

On an ongoing basis, Wilderness Agency continues to work with K&B Molded Products to define their processes, developing email drip campaigns, and updating onboarding videos.

“We were able to come in and tackle multiple issues, streamlining to storytelling, helped their onboarding process, new industry verticals, and increased digital presence.”

+ Richard Kaiser

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