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Are You Ready To Launch A New Website?

By October 6, 2020October 15th, 2021No Comments

I tend to be a perfectionist. It’s a problem that we can all struggle with. It’s something I have seen when working with clients at Wilderness Agency, especially with those looking to develop a new website.

Perfectionism is a problem that makes sense. Our perfectionism shows how much we care. However, perfectionism can also be an issue that wreaks havoc on your ideas and projects.

For example, developing a website can be a difficult process. Any kind of change is hard, but updating your website can be daunting. At Wilderness Agency we work with our clients to create an online presence that represents your business and brand. In today’s world, your online presence is often the face of your business. We see website design and development as a two-phase process.

The Quick Guide To A New Website

Phase One

In this phase, we work with our clients to include 9 Key website for AFIT ohio

  1. An easy-to-understand value proposition
  2. A clear call to action
  3. Visual displays of the success your client will experience if they use your product
  4. Products and/or Services broken down into bite-size categories
  5. A clear indication that you understand your customer’s journey and greater needs
  6. A clear way for your customers to contact you
  7. A purpose (think mission)
  8. A consistent look and experience throughout your site
  9. A page featuring client or customer testimonials to build trust and reputation

Once your site includes these 9 elements and our team has worked through the details and function of each page, it is time to launch your fresh and optimized web experience. This is where some clients forget about the second phase of our process. At the end of Phase One, it is time for your brand-new site to lift off.

Phase Two

Now that the details of your site are in order, we add relevant content to flush out the user experience. This content includes blogs, videos, and changing imagery to keep your site fresh.

It is a mistake to view a website as a finished project to be delivered and forgotten. +Richard Kaiser

Our team never sees a website as “complete.” Rather, a site should change and grow as your business evolves. Once your website is past phase one it is ready to be viewed and interacted with. In the next phase, your web experience is updated, added to, and enhanced.

If you don’t launch your site, you miss out on attracting and engaging new visitors. A great website with changing content will attract new visitors and cause others to come back and visit your site again. Alternatively, a poor online presence will drive visitors away. If you don’t provide value, your online presence is like a rocket that never lifts off. It fails to achieve its purpose.

Built to Convert

Your website is the face of your company. It builds credibility with potential customers and can be the deciding factor in whether or not someone wants to work with you. Business moves at the speed of trust, and our team works with you to make sure that your users trust and want to work with you.

Contact us to get your new website started!